The Activation of the �Barcashovs� (Barcashov is the leader of the Russian Fascist Party) is Driving Russia toward an Interethnic Collision After several years of calm, the party Russian National Unity (RNE) is again making itself known. They make the Russian cities gaudy with the flyers of this organization. On the flyers they call citizens to equip themselves with arms for the fight against �terrorism�. Experts at the Moscow Office on Human Rights (MBPCH) are afraid of further activation of extreme nationalists. Meanwhile, some analysts affirm that the �revival� of RNE is the concern of the special services. Since the representatives of RNE, in 1999, led a provocative march in one of the quarters of the capital, the Moscow authorities have begun a campaign against this organization. Exposed to serious repression, the nationalists quarrel with each other. The RNE split up, and it seemed to sink into the river Lethe. However, lately in a lot of cities and towns (even in Moscow that was always against them) their flyers have begun to appear with the already forgotten stylized swastika, calling the citizens to stand up under the flag of the founder of the organization � Alexander Barcashov. Based on the facts of the Moscow Office of Human Rights (MBPCH), in some flyers they appeal to citizens to buy weapons, because the government is not able to protect the population from terrorism. That means the government is the �real accomplice of the terrorists�, write the supporters of Barcashov. In their outright agitation nationalists don�t limit themselves. They are again coming out on the streets. Here are some characteristic examples (according to the data of the monitoring of MBPCH) of similar activities of the RNE in this year. On the 23rd of February, 2005, about 80 members of the organization held a meeting to support the colonel Kvachkov, who is accused of assassinating the chief of the Russian Shareholder Society of the United Energy Systems of Russia (PAO ���� ������), Anatolij Chubais. On the 1st of May they formed a picket line for his protection in the prison �The Sailor�s Rest�. On May 9th they took part in a meeting of nationalists by the train station Belaruskij. Besides, in the Office of the Public Prosecutor they believe that the two arrested persons under suspicion for the explosion of the train Grosnij-Moscow on June 12th are both activists of the party RNE. At the end of the past year another organization came up �The Brown Time,� later renamed �Union of Russian Nationalists � the Revolutionary Movement of Russia.� The first name officially has something in common with the Ukrainian �It�s Time� � of the Pro-Yushchenko youth organization. However the slogans of the �brows� are radically anti-democratic. �The Brown Time� appealed to an armed revolt, to a limitation of the rights and the liberty of the people. �We are already here. Give us our what we want or we will organize that ourselves. Because the opposite way does not exist, and the time has come � IT�S TIME!� Formally the �The Brown Time� is independent of the RNE, but in fact all its appeals are propaganda to gain power. And even the program appeal is copied from the program of RNE. The intentions, declared by both organizations, are introduction of state capitalism, propagation of anti-Semitism, giving the status of �guest� to all who are not originally Russian by heritage. Besides all the rest in the materials of the �Browns�, there are direct threats addressed to �human rights activists, excessively ardent journalists, and representatives of the government.� According to the opinion of the Moscow Office for Human Rights, Alexander Brod, the activation of the radical groups is related to two principal causes: the lack of opposition from the side of law-enforcement organs and the social-economic problems of the population. In addition, Mr. Brod comments that the Russian government is not proposing enlightening programs on the state level. �The prognosis is not comforting: the activation of the activities of similar groups is continuing. As time goes on, they will be more active. In all directions there are national organizations and the community of students will take measures to protect themselves. As a result everything will come out in massive collisions,� concluded the defender of human rights. The analyst of the Center of the New Sociology and the Studies of Practical Politics �Phoenix�, Alexander Tarasov, is evaluating the activation of RNE differently. According to his opinion, of the former organization, demolished by the special services, remains just a pallid shadow, which the special services are manipulating, according to his judgment. �On the manifestation of the 9th of May members of the Socialist opposition noticed with amazement that people from the special services, in the name of the �RNE-shniks� (members of RNE), with whom they were previously conducting investigations, were distributing their journal. That doesn�t mean that the given officials are members of the RNE, it means that the RNE does not have enough of their own personnel, and the leadership of RNE gave the instructions for the officers to put on the arm-bands.� That�s why, Mr. Tarasov thinks that the future activities of RNE do not depend only on their organization but also on their protectors. 26.7.2005 [26.07.2005] Source: ����� ��������"
The Activation of the �Barcashovs� (Barcashov is the leader of the Russian Fascist Party) is Driving Russia toward an Interethnic Collision
However, lately in a lot of cities and towns (even in Moscow that was always against them) their flyers have begun to appear with the already forgotten stylized swastika, calling the citizens to stand up under the flag of the founder of the organization � Alexander Barcashov. Based on the facts of the Moscow Office of Human Rights (MBPCH), in some flyers they appeal to citizens to buy weapons, because the government is not able to protect the population from terrorism. That means the government is the �real accomplice of the terrorists�, write the supporters of Barcashov. In their outright agitation nationalists don�t limit themselves. They are again coming out on the streets. Here are some characteristic examples (according to the data of the monitoring of MBPCH) of similar activities of the RNE in this year. On the 23rd of February, 2005, about 80 members of the organization held a meeting to support the colonel Kvachkov, who is accused of assassinating the chief of the Russian Shareholder Society of the United Energy Systems of Russia (PAO ���� ������), Anatolij Chubais. On the 1st of May they formed a picket line for his protection in the prison �The Sailor�s Rest�. On May 9th they took part in a meeting of nationalists by the train station Belaruskij. Besides, in the Office of the Public Prosecutor they believe that the two arrested persons under suspicion for the explosion of the train Grosnij-Moscow on June 12th are both activists of the party RNE.
At the end of the past year another organization came up �The Brown Time,� later renamed �Union of Russian Nationalists � the Revolutionary Movement of Russia.� The first name officially has something in common with the Ukrainian �It�s Time� � of the Pro-Yushchenko youth organization. However the slogans of the �brows� are radically anti-democratic. �The Brown Time� appealed to an armed revolt, to a limitation of the rights and the liberty of the people. �We are already here. Give us our what we want or we will organize that ourselves. Because the opposite way does not exist, and the time has come � IT�S TIME!� Formally the �The Brown Time� is independent of the RNE, but in fact all its appeals are propaganda to gain power. And even the program appeal is copied from the program of RNE. The intentions, declared by both organizations, are introduction of state capitalism, propagation of anti-Semitism, giving the status of �guest� to all who are not originally Russian by heritage. Besides all the rest in the materials of the �Browns�, there are direct threats addressed to �human rights activists, excessively ardent journalists, and representatives of the government.�
According to the opinion of the Moscow Office for Human Rights, Alexander Brod, the activation of the radical groups is related to two principal causes: the lack of opposition from the side of law-enforcement organs and the social-economic problems of the population. In addition, Mr. Brod comments that the Russian government is not proposing enlightening programs on the state level. �The prognosis is not comforting: the activation of the activities of similar groups is continuing. As time goes on, they will be more active. In all directions there are national organizations and the community of students will take measures to protect themselves. As a result everything will come out in massive collisions,� concluded the defender of human rights. The analyst of the Center of the New Sociology and the Studies of Practical Politics �Phoenix�, Alexander Tarasov, is evaluating the activation of RNE differently. According to his opinion, of the former organization, demolished by the special services, remains just a pallid shadow, which the special services are manipulating, according to his judgment. �On the manifestation of the 9th of May members of the Socialist opposition noticed with amazement that people from the special services, in the name of the �RNE-shniks� (members of RNE), with whom they were previously conducting investigations, were distributing their journal. That doesn�t mean that the given officials are members of the RNE, it means that the RNE does not have enough of their own personnel, and the leadership of RNE gave the instructions for the officers to put on the arm-bands.� That�s why, Mr. Tarasov thinks that the future activities of RNE do not depend only on their organization but also on their protectors. 26.7.2005
Source: ����� ��������"