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News archive of Center for Interethnic Cooperation
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News from the Center

International Conference in Anapa, Krasnodar Territory

On September 8th/9th in Anapa a conference on the topic �Russian and International Experience in the Interaction of Ethnic Associations, Law-Enforcement Organs and the Authorities� was carried out. Leaders of ethnic organizations, representatives of the authorities and members of the militia from 20 regions of Russia and also guests from Great Britain, the USA, Germany, France and Hungary took part in this conference. There were 135 participants. Soon you will find a detailed report about the conference on our homepage. Right now we would like to bring to your attention photographic material about the conference.

The Center for Interethnic Cooperation.

� 1993-2003

If you have some interesting information about interethnic
situation in your region or about activity
of your organisation, we would be glad to
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