Seminar of Chechen human rights NGOs about �Management of Non-Profit Organizations and Fundraising� City of Nazran, August 1st-3rd 2005 Report On August 1st-3rd 2005, in the hotel �Assa�, city of Nazgran�, Repulic of Ingushetiya, a seminar of Chechen NGOs on the topic �Management of Non-Profit Organizations and Fundraising� took place. The seminar was organized by the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the St. Petersburg center STRATEGIYA. This seminar was a kind of continuation of a series of four seminars about inter-sector social partnership that were carried out by the St. Petersburg center STRATEGIYA and the Moscow Helsinki Group (MHG) in the framework of a MHG project in the North Caucasus in 2002/2003. Also, it was part of a development of joint events of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the St. Petersburg center STRATEGIYA regarding the development of institutions protecting human rights in the North Caucasus. The human rights conference in Grozny in September 2004 was a result of this cooperation. The aim of the seminar was to teach the leaders of the Chechen human rights NGOs the basics of NPO management, including the best way to write applications for aid money and methods and technologies for inter-sector social partnership. Representatives of leading Chechen human rights organizations, executive authorities and the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights took part in the seminar. More than 30 people attended. The seminar was led by the president of the St. Petersburg center STRATEGIYA, A. Yu. Sungurov, a psychological trainer from the center, G. L. Bardier, and an expert, A. G. Arakelyan. As a local expert, the professor of the North Caucasian State Technical University and chairman of the Stavropol� Region�s department of the National Academy of Science, V. V. Mitrofanenko, was invited. From the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe M. S. Madaev took part in the seminar�s work. The seminar was composed of several presentations on the topic of social partnership and NPO management, roundtables and teamwork games. Presentations were given on the following topics: �Structural development of the civil society and its cooperation with the authorities: Russian experience and specifics of the North Caucasus�, �Basics of NPO management and methods of writing applications�, �Understanding of inter-sector social partnership and possibilities for development in the North Caucasus� and �Experience of social organizations from the Stavropol� Territory and other regions of the North Caucasus in cooperating with the authorities�. Important parts of the seminar were also the speeches of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Chechen Republic, L. A. Khasuev, and his leading staff, whose members arrived from Grozny for the second part of the seminar. Together with theoretical knowledge, the seminar�s participants gained practical skills in the preparation of applications for aid money. Also, they were invited to take part in a competition of projects that is being carried out by the Southern Regional Resource Center especially for the republics of Ingushetiya, North Ossetiya (Alanya) and Chechnya. All participants of the seminar received a set of methodical materials prepared by the St. Petersburg center STRATEGIYA as well as the center�s brochures. For more detailed information about the project, please contact the St. Petersburg center STRATEGIYA: tel/fax (812) 712-66-12, e-mail [email protected]; [email protected]
Seminar of Chechen human rights NGOs about �Management of Non-Profit Organizations and Fundraising� City of Nazran, August 1st-3rd 2005
City of Nazran, August 1st-3rd 2005
This seminar was a kind of continuation of a series of four seminars about inter-sector social partnership that were carried out by the St. Petersburg center STRATEGIYA and the Moscow Helsinki Group (MHG) in the framework of a MHG project in the North Caucasus in 2002/2003. Also, it was part of a development of joint events of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the St. Petersburg center STRATEGIYA regarding the development of institutions protecting human rights in the North Caucasus. The human rights conference in Grozny in September 2004 was a result of this cooperation.
The aim of the seminar was to teach the leaders of the Chechen human rights NGOs the basics of NPO management, including the best way to write applications for aid money and methods and technologies for inter-sector social partnership.
Representatives of leading Chechen human rights organizations, executive authorities and the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights took part in the seminar. More than 30 people attended.
The seminar was led by the president of the St. Petersburg center STRATEGIYA, A. Yu. Sungurov, a psychological trainer from the center, G. L. Bardier, and an expert, A. G. Arakelyan. As a local expert, the professor of the North Caucasian State Technical University and chairman of the Stavropol� Region�s department of the National Academy of Science, V. V. Mitrofanenko, was invited. From the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe M. S. Madaev took part in the seminar�s work.
The seminar was composed of several presentations on the topic of social partnership and NPO management, roundtables and teamwork games.
Presentations were given on the following topics: �Structural development of the civil society and its cooperation with the authorities: Russian experience and specifics of the North Caucasus�, �Basics of NPO management and methods of writing applications�, �Understanding of inter-sector social partnership and possibilities for development in the North Caucasus� and �Experience of social organizations from the Stavropol� Territory and other regions of the North Caucasus in cooperating with the authorities�.
Important parts of the seminar were also the speeches of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Chechen Republic, L. A. Khasuev, and his leading staff, whose members arrived from Grozny for the second part of the seminar. Together with theoretical knowledge, the seminar�s participants gained practical skills in the preparation of applications for aid money. Also, they were invited to take part in a competition of projects that is being carried out by the Southern Regional Resource Center especially for the republics of Ingushetiya, North Ossetiya (Alanya) and Chechnya.
All participants of the seminar received a set of methodical materials prepared by the St. Petersburg center STRATEGIYA as well as the center�s brochures.
For more detailed information about the project, please contact the St. Petersburg center STRATEGIYA: tel/fax (812) 712-66-12, e-mail [email protected]; [email protected]