A Nazi Industry Works against Russia A Nazi industry that could topple the country is operating in Russia. This statement, made by a representative from the Moscow bureau on human rights at a press-conference, was made today, according to a correspondent for the Russian news agency �Noviy Region�. As Aleksandr Brod, head of the aforementioned organization, expressed, at present, a wave of �brown� literature is devastating the country, provoking the growth of xenophobic conflicts and the growth in the number of extremist organizations. �We know that it would be interesting to carry out a project on national-radicals, and what a huge quantity of �brown� books are published in Russia. Every year we count around twenty new editions of which a half-million copies have been printed and have been distributed all over the country. This and the pseudoscientific work of the sort of Platonov and Mukhin which covers the defective habits and destructive role of minorities, as well as the practical material from publishers �Ruskaya Pravda� which have learned to cater to those who discriminate and the openly racist books by Avdeyev and Sevost�yanov which seek to prove the inferiority of ethnic groups and the superiority of the white race. These make up a really serious ideological campaign which is building a whole industry which hypothesize these ideas�, � said Aleksandr Brod. In his words, scientists who have a democratic outlook lose hopelessly when confronted with this powerful �brown wave� which �possesses serious means and mechanisms of influence.� He points out that this matter concerns more than just the sale of books. �They are distributed in schools, libraries, a hundred internet sites which promulgate these ideas. And we know what a destructive influence they exert on people. One only has to remember Koptsev and his followers who carried out attacks under the influence of such literature,� noted Brod. At the same time he turned his attention to the fact that even respective publishers on the federal scale who often hypothesize on the theme of xenophobia. �There is a significantly greater quantity of articles infected with the language of hatred appearing in respectable publications, with high-volume printings at the federal scale, which hypothesize on xenophobic myths� said Brod. In this case he cited data from the analytical center Yuri Levady, which testify about the scales of national-radical propaganda. �41% of those asked consider that more demonstrations of xenophobia were occurring in the country. 55% of those asked to a certain degree support the slogan �Russia for the Russians�, and other slogans of xenophobic sentiment�, he noted. At the same time, referring to facts from the Ministry for Internal Affairs (MVD), he reported that approximately 150 radical-nationalistic organizations exist, involving up to 10 thousand people. In this case he gave alternative statistics, according to which 141 radical youth groups operate with a total number of approximately half million people. As noted by the legal expert Boris Panteleyev from the Moscow bureau on human rights, in his time the accelerated collapse of the USSR was provoked by conflicts owing to ethnic dissent. �The hastening of the fall of the USSR began with precisely those flashes of conflict due to ethnic dissent. These flashes were not only during the diagnosis but were provoked either by incompetent commissions or inaction of high ranking officials. Historians describe the well-known fact that the bloody events in Kutaisi were, in many respects, provoked by the inexpert appearance of the main military official of the USSR, who acted as a match to the powder keg�, said the expert At the same time, he expressed hope that the present authorities will not allow similar processes to occur in Russia. �Authorities must embark on steps and show that they will not allow the destruction of Russia as a multiethnic state, taking into account this sad experience�, said Panteleyev. Source: Novy Region-Moskva
A Nazi Industry Works against Russia
�We know that it would be interesting to carry out a project on national-radicals, and what a huge quantity of �brown� books are published in Russia. Every year we count around twenty new editions of which a half-million copies have been printed and have been distributed all over the country. This and the pseudoscientific work of the sort of Platonov and Mukhin which covers the defective habits and destructive role of minorities, as well as the practical material from publishers �Ruskaya Pravda� which have learned to cater to those who discriminate and the openly racist books by Avdeyev and Sevost�yanov which seek to prove the inferiority of ethnic groups and the superiority of the white race. These make up a really serious ideological campaign which is building a whole industry which hypothesize these ideas�, � said Aleksandr Brod.
In his words, scientists who have a democratic outlook lose hopelessly when confronted with this powerful �brown wave� which �possesses serious means and mechanisms of influence.� He points out that this matter concerns more than just the sale of books. �They are distributed in schools, libraries, a hundred internet sites which promulgate these ideas. And we know what a destructive influence they exert on people. One only has to remember Koptsev and his followers who carried out attacks under the influence of such literature,� noted Brod.
At the same time he turned his attention to the fact that even respective publishers on the federal scale who often hypothesize on the theme of xenophobia. �There is a significantly greater quantity of articles infected with the language of hatred appearing in respectable publications, with high-volume printings at the federal scale, which hypothesize on xenophobic myths� said Brod.
In this case he cited data from the analytical center Yuri Levady, which testify about the scales of national-radical propaganda. �41% of those asked consider that more demonstrations of xenophobia were occurring in the country. 55% of those asked to a certain degree support the slogan �Russia for the Russians�, and other slogans of xenophobic sentiment�, he noted.
At the same time, referring to facts from the Ministry for Internal Affairs (MVD), he reported that approximately 150 radical-nationalistic organizations exist, involving up to 10 thousand people. In this case he gave alternative statistics, according to which 141 radical youth groups operate with a total number of approximately half million people.
As noted by the legal expert Boris Panteleyev from the Moscow bureau on human rights, in his time the accelerated collapse of the USSR was provoked by conflicts owing to ethnic dissent. �The hastening of the fall of the USSR began with precisely those flashes of conflict due to ethnic dissent. These flashes were not only during the diagnosis but were provoked either by incompetent commissions or inaction of high ranking officials. Historians describe the well-known fact that the bloody events in Kutaisi were, in many respects, provoked by the inexpert appearance of the main military official of the USSR, who acted as a match to the powder keg�, said the expert
At the same time, he expressed hope that the present authorities will not allow similar processes to occur in Russia. �Authorities must embark on steps and show that they will not allow the destruction of Russia as a multiethnic state, taking into account this sad experience�, said Panteleyev.
Source: Novy Region-Moskva