On July 15 2004 in Moscow on Novopushkinskiy Square there was a picket line against the war in Chechnya. Nineteen people took part in this action.
The picketers were holding signs:
�War crimes - genocide - suffering - civilian deaths - terrorist acts in Russia - war in Chechnya - President Putin! Negotiating with the separatists is the only way to peace! Break the vicious cycle of violence!�
�The war in Chechnya is a crime against humanity�
�Citizen Putin, obey our constitution!�
�We will never be in the right there, just as the Germans were not in the right when they were fighting us in Russia! - Victor Astafyev�
�Taxpayer- did you order a tank for Chechnya?�
�We don�t want to be kept hostage to the whim of the authorities�
�Though they are there defending the Motherland, its still not known what for� -- Colonel Yurii Budanov�
�Who has Ul�man defended us from? On January 12, 2002, the director of a school, a forester, a driver, and an invalid woman and her attendant were shot by Edward Ul�man, Captain of the Russian Federation. A jury acquitted this murderer.�
�We stand up for Chechnya�s freedom - we defend a free Russian Federation! - and may all imperial dreams die!�
�Discussion with the separatists is the only way to end the war in Chechnya�
�Hi from Chechnya� (a sign with a picture of a one-armed invalid in a sailor�s vest and camouflage pants, around whom are situated tombstone crosses)
�Today - �sweeps� in Chechnya, but tomorrow - terror around all of Russia.�
�By destroying the Chechen people, we are only provoking terrorism. Enough already!�
�Chechnya - a field of death� For what?!�
�Chechnya, forgive us!!�
�The result of the introduction of �constitutional order�: the death of 18 thousand of Russia�s soldiers, the abduction of more than three thousand peaceful citizens, and the death of more than 160 thousand non-combatants since 1994�
During the picketing around 10 signatures were collected protesting Ul�man�s verdict.
An anti-war picket takes place every Thursday evening on Pushkin Square (metro station Pushkinskaya / Chekhovskaya / Tverskaya) from 5:30 to 7 pm. Contact: Anna Karetnikova [email protected], www.antiwar.hro.org