74% Russian citizens are not over fond of Muscovites According to the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center, ten years ago this number was significant smaller - only 44%. Furthermore, the data of the latest survey showed that the number of those, who consider hostility against Muscovites as �strong� or �very strong� rose from 19 to 44%. An overwhelming majority of the questioned more or less thinks for certain that Moscow lives mainly at the expenses of the regions. And this figure is rather stable, for five years the quota of questioned people, sharing this point of view, remained practically without any changes (81-82%). People that do not live in the capital themselves are more often inclined to agree with the allegation of a parasitic attitude of Moscow: between 81 to 85% of the questioned persons think so. The answers to the question on what is connected to the higher level of prosperity of Muscovites compared to the Russian inhabitants as a whole, 47% of the questioned pointed out that in Moscow the country�s state power and business life are concentrated; 43% consider that there the biggest part of taxes of the largest Russian companies is accumulated; 32% refer to the large opportunities for earnings; 23% have expressed the opinion that the capitols major actively protects the interests of Muscovites. The idea that in the capital live more energetic and assiduously working people or that the majority of Muscovites live just about in the same way as the average Russian did not find broad support among the questioned. Source: Economic Newspaper "Kommersant�-Den�gi�
74% Russian citizens are not over fond of Muscovites
And this figure is rather stable, for five years the quota of questioned people, sharing this point of view, remained practically without any changes (81-82%). People that do not live in the capital themselves are more often inclined to agree with the allegation of a parasitic attitude of Moscow: between 81 to 85% of the questioned persons think so. The answers to the question on what is connected to the higher level of prosperity of Muscovites compared to the Russian inhabitants as a whole, 47% of the questioned pointed out that in Moscow the country�s state power and business life are concentrated; 43% consider that there the biggest part of taxes of the largest Russian companies is accumulated; 32% refer to the large opportunities for earnings; 23% have expressed the opinion that the capitols major actively protects the interests of Muscovites. The idea that in the capital live more energetic and assiduously working people or that the majority of Muscovites live just about in the same way as the average Russian did not find broad support among the questioned.
Source: Economic Newspaper "Kommersant�-Den�gi�